Imagine if we had the power to change the way we looked and yes, you could say that we do have that advantage; some achieve this by looking different e.g. make up , dressing different and even surgery but after all of that we are still recognisable. I mean let’s face it if you could go to the shops and pick up a younger, fresher looking, more vibrant you, but still keep all of those amazing memories, characteristics and just the little things that make you who you are.
You can do all of this with upholstery! There are endless possibilities with what you can achieve and most importantly the memories and nostalgia you can store in a single piece of furniture. Not only is this a profession this is a hobby. It’s therapy for some and I personally think it’s important to not only appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating these timeless pieces of upholstery but also the importance of recognising how long the craft has been around and un-credited for and how it has the ability to completely change – or add a personal touch to something as inanimate as a piece of furniture.
Here I’ve created a list to inspire - “Power of Upholstery”
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This amazing chair gives off a bright and groovy vibe almost enough to change any mood, perfect for summer timer in the office.
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This beautiful vintage chair has been transformed into an amazing piece of art work and gives off the most vibrant effect, perfect for a dressing room.
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For this amazing French settee which has been transformed into a fabulous piece of home décor is perfect for adding personality and character to a bedroom.
I hope these amazing pictures were enough to spark some kind of inspiration and gave you a little insight on how much a little TLC can help, happy upholstering :).
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