A mytoolkit explanations of nailers, headed and headless pinners and brad nailers

Know your Nailers, Pinners and Brad Guns

Understand about Finish Nailers, Brad Guns Pin Guns and more

Hello there

Unsure what the weather was like for you this week, but here at Stapling and Nailing Central (Stoke on Trent!) it was glorious sunshine. 😎

Prepare your self for a TOOL FEST!  ⚒️

This week, in view of the many questions we get asked about the all and ever confusing world of Coil Nailers, Strip Nailers, Brad Guns, Finish Nailers and Headless Pinners. Take a look at  this video,  I created it, because I think it should help guide you through the fog ! Let us know what you think. Feedback always appreciated as it helps us to help you. 



As usual, if you have any questions then give us a shout on 0333 8000 345 or drop us a line 

See below links to most of the tool categories you have just see in the video

Headless Pinner Range 

headless pinner

18 and 21 Gauge Brad Nail Guns 

18 gauge brad nailer

16 and 15 Gauge Brad Nail Guns

16 and 15 Gauge Brad Nail Guns

Coil Nailers

coil nailer

Strip Nailers

strip nailer


Oh and here you will see the Tacwise Mini Coiler, this nailgun is a top seller for us. 

Enjoy your weekend ..

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