How and why to use a 1st fix strip nailer by mytoolkit

Things go better with a Strip Nailer!

How and When a Strip Nailer is Handy

This week our tool poster is around heavier duty 1st fix Nailers.

Strip Nailer's are usually used for 1st Fix construction type work. Like Garden Buildings, Fencing, Timber Framing. That said; these tools are also ideal for Packaging.
These particular  Tools are also known as Strip Nailers, Stick Nailers orFraming Nailers
Some operate a 22 Degree Full Round Head Nail and others take 34 Degree Paper Clipped Head Nail.
It is important to know what your tool takes, before ordering your Nails,as so often we hear from people who have jammed tools 😧 (I know there is a joke in there somewhere!)
strip nailers info
We wrote a blog some time ago, namely: Types of Nails -The Ultimate Explanation! Which covers more about Strip Nails

Remember to keep this Infograph in your favorites folder, useful; for when making your next purchase. 

Strip Nailer 1st Fix


Need to understand the different types of Nails for Nailers further? then watch Steve in this short video:


We offer Brand Choice for all! Stanley Bostitch and Tacwise. 
Stanley Bostitch and Tacwise
Keep watching as next time we will be focusing on Corrugated Fasteners, then Coil Nailers, followed by our long awaited series on Stapling Tools.
Why not  Learn 3 ways of making your airtool last longer, with this Download completely FREE of charge on us 😊
Meanwhile, let us know if there is anything you want us to cover.
Until Next week, Ta ra from me
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