
Nailing Down the Need for Safety- 3 Tips
This week, I thought I would offer some safety tips for any one working with wood. As we are know many of our customers do one way or another, so...
Nailing Down the Need for Safety- 3 Tips
This week, I thought I would offer some safety tips for any one working with wood. As we are know many of our customers do one way or another, so...

Easy Guide on How to Service Your Air Staple Gun
Thought I'd dig out an instructional this week on how to service your air stapler. It's such an important thing that everyone with an air tool should know! Hope you...
Easy Guide on How to Service Your Air Staple Gun
Thought I'd dig out an instructional this week on how to service your air stapler. It's such an important thing that everyone with an air tool should know! Hope you...

How to Care for and Maintain your Compressor
Hope all is well…. This week we thought we'd offer some advice on how to look after air compressors - to help you get more life out of yours. For the sake...
How to Care for and Maintain your Compressor
Hope all is well…. This week we thought we'd offer some advice on how to look after air compressors - to help you get more life out of yours. For the sake...

How to Replace a Bumper in a Stapler - VIDEO
We often get customers phone in to say that the driver blade is pushing out of the nose from the tool. They often think that they should grind it back....
How to Replace a Bumper in a Stapler - VIDEO
We often get customers phone in to say that the driver blade is pushing out of the nose from the tool. They often think that they should grind it back....

Cleaning & Maintaining Cordless Gas Nailers
Gas tools are excellent for site work where air and power is not available. These types of tools are by the nature of design prone to firing problems – this could be out of...
Cleaning & Maintaining Cordless Gas Nailers
Gas tools are excellent for site work where air and power is not available. These types of tools are by the nature of design prone to firing problems – this could be out of...

Care of your Air Compressor
Hi Chuck again, I’d like to talk a little this week about general care and maintenance of your compressor. It tends in many workshops to get overlooked until something goes...
Care of your Air Compressor
Hi Chuck again, I’d like to talk a little this week about general care and maintenance of your compressor. It tends in many workshops to get overlooked until something goes...